Is it pronounced Espresso or Expresso: A Deep Dive
Is it pronounced espresso or expresso? While we all love our coffee mugs and the beverage at any point in time, do you sometimes wonder "Is it pronounced espresso or expresso?". The word "Espresso" has Italian origins and "Expresso" is only an incorrect spelling variant of it.
Is It Pronounced Espresso or Expresso?
Expresso is also regarded as a misspelling of the original world in academic circles but may go around unofficially. Therefore, you should always pronounce (and write) it as "Espresso". "Expresso" is wrong and a misspelling of the original term "Espresso". You should avoid pronouncing the coffee as "Expresso" at any point in time.
Apart from the manual process of making that Espresso coffee, the first machines for making Espresso coffee were first invented and utilized in Italy. It was during the early half of the 21st century. Over the next decade, Espresso coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide.
Espresso means coffee that is prepared and brewed by passing warm water through the roasted coffee beans. In the Italian language, the word "espresso" also means "made for a customer upon their request" and "a single serving".
This way it differentiates from the type of coffee that is brewed and prepared in a pot, in larger quantities. The term "Expresso" means "made and brewed especially for me". It may have origins in British English and resembles the Italian word Espresso in its meaning.

The Difference Between Espresso vS. Expresso
A look at the history will help in better understanding the difference between the words "espresso" and "expresso". As stated, the word "Espresso" has been derived from the Italian language. In more specific terms, it comes from the phrase "Caffe Espresso". It signifies the process of pressing out the coffee beans.
It is the process where the coffee prepared is made when pressurized water is pushed through the coffee beans.
The English express term used for denoting the same kind of coffee preparation is "expresso". While it means "made expressly for someone", it also signifies a rapid and personalized service (as in express delivery, express train, and express lane).
Therefore, the British version of Espresso (that has an "x" in place of "s") may also signify personalized and fast delivery of coffee and a coffee that can be enjoyed on the go.

When to use Expresso?
The right pronunciation of the term and the brewed coffee is "Espresso. In America pronouncing and spelling it as "Expresso" may be termed as a misspelling and an error. If you are writing for an English audience anywhere, you should be using the term "Espresso". An important fact to note here is that in France people call it "Expresso" and not "Espresso".
"Expresso" can be termed as a variant of the original term "Espresso". Those who are aware will find the term to be a misspelling and a non-standard form of Espresso. While some of the dictionaries may term "Expresso" as an alternative spelling to the word "Espresso", the use of the former for English audiences is not appropriate.
Therefore, if there is not enough or some special reason to use the term "Expresso", you should simply avoid it. You may find many English-speaking people calling it "Expresso". They may even argue that their version of the spelling is appropriate and correct.
However, it is good if you inform them of the origins of the word and what its actual spelling and pronunciation are. When you are not trying to annoy your audience, you should stick to the term "Espresso".
Why do people say "expresso" and not "espresso"?
Technically "Expresso" is a misspelling or an incorrect spelling of the original word "Espresso". Most people may not be aware of the subtle difference between the two spellings and may take it for granted. For instance, whether they say "expresso" or "espresso" at a cafe, they would get the same coffee mug. Those who are better read and give attention to the words that they utter and say are more likely to find out the difference.

People may also misspell and pronounce the original "Espresso" word in many other ways. Some examples are "espresso", "esspreso", and "expresso".
Also, some English dictionaries (for instance Merriam Webster) may simply list "Expresso" as a neutral variant of Espresso. However, Oxford regards "Expresso" as an incorrect spelling.
Not giving adequate attention to the words (and their spellings and origins) and the slang and dis-orientations of the languages commonly used may be the reason why people use the word "Expresso" instead of "Espresso". People may hear the mispronunciations around them and may continue with the same word.
Because the two variations of the coffee term sound similar, many would not be able to point out the difference at the very first instance.
What's the correct pronunciation of Espresso?
The Italians give more emphasis on the "ess" part of Espresso so that it becomes a bit longer and pronounced when said and uttered.
You can pronounce Espresso in the same original way (which will have a more dramatic tone), or can simply pronounce "Espresso" while not emphasizing any particular group of letters. However, you should not replace the "s" with "x", as "Expresso" is an incorrect spelling variation of Espresso.
Some people who have been using the term Expresso may not find it easy to switch the "x" with an "s". Some conscious effort and memory would be required at the onset. However, after some time you would be able to spell the term and the coffee preparation correctly.
Also, you should try to do some research on the words online or offline on the sources available to you. Reviewing and gathering the information you get on the pronunciation and the spelling of the term Espresso firsthand will be more memorable for you.
Final Thoughts
"Espresso" is the original and correct spelling of the dark and dense coffee and "Expresso" is the wrong version of it. You should try to stick to "espresso" whenever you are in conversation with an English audience and even at other instances and places.
Do some research on the subject to be better informed on it. This way you would be able to correct another person when the time comes and explain the historical origins of the word and the coffee.
Now with information freely available online, many people would be able to cross-check and know that what you are saying is correct and the original term is "Espresso".