
5 Best Guatemalan Coffee Beans | Seriously Good Beans


Sick and tired of trying ordinary coffee? Looking for something new and exciting that will make your cup of coffee go down with a bit of oomph?

Coffee will never be the same after you try some of the best Guatemalan coffee beans money has to buy! Considered world-renowned, these coffee beans will bedazzle you with their lovely aromatic scent and full flavor profile.

So, if you’ve been having the french press, cold brew, or even drip coffee with regular coffee brands, you need to step your game up and try one of these Guatemalan coffee brands we’ll be reviewing today.

After we cover, our top Guatemalan coffee we’ll answer some burning questions you may have about the best Guatemalan coffee brands.

At a Glance of Best Guatemala Coffee Beans

Product Image

Product Name


Guatemala Antigua Coffee beans

Guatemalan Antigua

  • Medium Roast
  • Flavor profile of honey, tea, apple and floral brown sugar
  • Intense Aroma & Full bodied
guatemalan peaberry coffee beans

Guatemalan Peaberry Beans

  • Medium Roast
  • Flavor profile of juicy strawberry.
  • Smooth and Richer in body

Fresh Roasted Coffee, Guatemala Huehuetenango | 5 lb (80 oz) | Single Origin | Medium Roast | Kosher | Whole Bean

Fresh Roasted Coffee, Guatemala Huehuetenango | 5 lb (80 oz) | Single Origin | Medium Roast | Kosher | Whole Bean

  • Medium Roast
  • Mild Body 
  • Simple non complex flavor that is slightly bitter

Java Planet Low Acid Coffee, Guatemalan Organic Coffee Beans, Smooth Full Flavored, Single Origin: Whole Bean Medium Roast - Smithsonian Bird Friendly 1LB Bag

Java Planet Low Acid Coffee, Guatemalan Organic Coffee Beans, Smooth Full Flavored, Single Origin: Whole Bean Medium Roast - Smithsonian Bird Friendly 1LB Bag

  • Medium roast
  • Organic coffee beans
  • Low acid
  • Flavor profile of Chocolate and Caramel

Two Volcanoes Coffee - Gourmet Guatemala Whole Bean Medium Roast Single-Origin Coffee. 1 lb

Two Volcanoes Coffee - Gourmet Guatemala Whole Bean Medium Roast Single-Origin Coffee. 1 lb

  • Medium roast
  • Smooth taste
  • Well balanced in flavor and aroma

Top Pick: Best Guatemalan Coffee Beans

Guatemala Antigua Coffee beans

Editors Rating : 

From the mountains of the Medina Estate, comes this beautifully full-bodied coffee with an intense aroma.

If you're after a high quality Guatemalan coffee, Guatemalan Antigua is for you. Check out our full review below.

This is by far a favorite Guatemala coffee that every one needs to try at least once. Antigua coffee beans are sure to please people who are after a coffee with an intense aroma to it, but has a floral flavor profile.

Volcanica is our best Guatemalan coffee brand that is sure to deliver on quality!  Read our full Guatemalan coffee bean review below.

#1 - Volcanica Guatemalan Antigua Coffee Beans

Guatemala Antigua Coffee beans
  • Medium Roast
  • Flavor profile of honey, tea, apple and floral brown sugar
  • Intense Aroma & Full bodied

Guatemala Antigua coffee is considered as our top pick when it comes to Guatemala coffee! These coffee beans come from the region known as Antigua, sourced from the Santa Barbara estate, which is a small city surrounded by Volcanoes in southern Guatemala.

If you're after a rich and sweet Guatemala coffee blend, then the Antigua coffee beans is just what you need. With an inherent intense aroma, that is subtle yet complex, it's tone is somewhat chocolatey with a hint of nuts.

Leaving behind an alluring aftertaste the Antigua Guatemala coffee is sure to impress any coffee lover.

#2 - Guatemalan Peaberry Coffee Beans by Volcanica

guatemalan peaberry coffee beans
  • Medium Roast
  • Flavor profile of juicy strawberry
  • Smooth and richer in body

A medium roasted Guatemalan Peaberry coffee is a delightful next choice when it comes to good Guatemala coffee! If you want a smoother and richer body coffee, whether it be for cold brew or French press, then you need to try this.

So if you're looking for a much richer flavor of coffee, then this is for you. With a flavor profile of juicy strawberry these coffee beans from Guatemala will make your cup of coffee bright, clean and very well balanced.

To make the best cup of Guatemalan coffee with Peaberry coffee beans, try them in a French press or steep them even longer in a cold brew. 

#3 - Fresh Roast Coffee LLC Guatemalan Huehuetenango Coffee

Fresh Roasted Coffee, Guatemala Huehuetenango | 5 lb (80 oz) | Single Origin | Medium Roast | Kosher | Whole Bean
5,714 Reviews
Fresh Roasted Coffee, Guatemala Huehuetenango | 5 lb (80 oz) | Single Origin | Medium Roast | Kosher | Whole Bean
  • THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS - A Mild Body That Doesn't Overwhelm the Palate, and Also a Beautiful Depth of Flavor Untouched by Many Other Coffee Growing Regions.
  • SINGLE-ORIGIN FROM HUEHUETENANGO, GUATEMALA. Bourbon and Caturra Varietals. Fully Washed and Patio Sun-Dried. Grown 1,200 - 2,000 masl.
  • COFFEE FOR EVERYBODY - Sustainably Sourced and Proudly Roasted, Blended, and Packaged in USA.
  • All Our Coffees are Roasted in Our Environmentally Friendly Loring Roaster to Reduce Our Carbon Footprint.

Huehuetenango Guatemala coffee comes from the highest and most driest region in Guatemala.  Guatemala coffee farms are typically over 4000 feet above sea level, and this leads to a mild bodied coffee that doesn't overwhelm the palate.

A medium roast coffee with notes of cherry, chocolate and baking spice! When brewed resembled unparalleled flavor profiles that were delightful yet pleasing on the palate.

With an intense lingering aroma, your kitchen will smell like Guatemala coffee bright and early. If you love a mildly spiced coffee, then this is your calling!

These coffee beans make a really good cup of coffee when brewed using a French press coffee maker, and it was a favorite for some of our staff.

#4 - Java Planet Guatemalan Single Origin Organic Coffee Beans

Java Planet Low Acid Coffee, Guatemalan Organic Coffee Beans, Smooth Full Flavored, Single Origin: Whole Bean Medium Roast - Smithsonian Bird Friendly 1LB Bag
6,306 Reviews
Java Planet Low Acid Coffee, Guatemalan Organic Coffee Beans, Smooth Full Flavored, Single Origin: Whole Bean Medium Roast - Smithsonian Bird Friendly 1LB Bag
  • Our Second Most Popular Low Acid Coffee! This single-origin Guatemala coffee is grown in the Huehuetenango region. It is shade-grown under guava, plantain, and banana trees which give the coffee it's fruit undertones along with the caramel and chocolate notes. We roast the coffee only to medium so as to maintain those flavors.
  • No Pesticides, Mold or Heavy Metals! We use only 100% organic specialty grade arabica coffee beans that are independently tested for mold & heavy metals. In drinking our coffee you will only absorb beneficial antioxidants naturally found in coffee grown at high altitudes.
  • Peace of Mind! Not only is this coffee certified Organic, it is also Smithsonian Bird Friendly certified, rewarding farmers for their sustainable practices.
  • Whole Bean is Better! We only package whole bean coffee for the best flavor and so you may grind your coffee for any brewer - regular drip, pour over, French press, espresso etc...

Next, but not last, we tried these organic low acid Guatemalan single origin coffee beans by Java Planet. If you have problems with acid reflux, and after a good low acid but well balanced coffee, you need to try these beans.

The flavor profile hidden within these beans are tones of fruit, caramel and chocolate with a very creamy body. These organic Guatemalan coffee beans were just what some of us needed in the office.

Completely free of pesticides and also 100% organic certified arabica coffee beans, you can rest assured that your cup of coffee is more healthier than regular coffee beans.

For the best brew, try having these coffee beans freshly grounded and then added into a coffee maker. We found that a coffee maker produced the best coffee.

#5 - Two Volcanoes Gourmet Guatemalan Coffee Beans

Two Volcanoes Coffee - Gourmet Guatemala Whole Bean Medium Roast Single-Origin Coffee. 1 lb
862 Reviews
Two Volcanoes Coffee - Gourmet Guatemala Whole Bean Medium Roast Single-Origin Coffee. 1 lb
  • GREAT TASTING GUATEMALAN ORGANIC RARE, SINGLE ORIGIN GOURMET COFFEE - This single origin specialty brings out the best possible aroma and flavor every morning. No blending in from other regions, countries or types of coffee, gives this rare but delicious tasting coffee, a flavor compared to no other. This specific single estate coffee is grown at the base of Two Volcanoes in Guatemala. Great for House or high end restaurants. Better tasting than french roast coffee.
  • THE BEST FLAVOR AND UNIQUE AROMA THANKS TO IT'S FRESHLY MEDIUM ROAST - Medium roasted fair trade, arabica coffee beans retain a great deal of their natural earthy flavors in comparison to a dark roast, bringing out the best possible flavor & aroma. This coffee is grown organically at the base of two volcanoes, where rich minerals enhance the flavor and smell of each and every bean, even before it's roasted. Medium roast exhibits the perfect balance in flavor, aroma and acidity.
  • ROASTED IN SMALL BATCHES TO GUARANTEE AN EVEN, MEDIUM ROAST - Small batch roasting is more expensive because of labor costs, but ensures that each bean of coffe is of superior quality and roasted evenly to desired specifications. This process draws out the best possible flavor in each batch. Small batch roasting permits a higher quality standard in coffee throughout the complete process: from picking out the correct size of each coffee bean, to slowly roasting each small batch to perfection.
  • PRESERVE THE BEST TASTE, AS LONG AS POSSIBLE - We know consuming your premium coffee bags as soon as roasted is the best way to go, but sometimes, coffee is stored in warehouses, shelves or even in your home's pantry kitchen. For this reason, each bag of Two Volcanoes Coffee is not only packaged as soon as roasting permits it, but also comes with a degassing valve built into it, to ensure only natural gas goes out, but not in, preventing it from staling. Makes great cappuccino.

Another great Guatemalan Coffee you need to try is this Guatemala gourmet coffee, which is known for having a unique aroma that will set it apart from others. Two volcanoes does a great job at making this stand out from our other Guatemala coffee brands below.

Medium roasted to perfection, these gourmet organic coffee beans of single origin is sure to make your cup of coffee enjoyable with a perfect balance in flavor and acidity.

The nutrient dense volcanic soils from Guatemala, bundled with it's unique climate makes the Two Volcanoes fresh roast Guatemala beans are the peoples choice.

Our preferred method of brewing this coffee beans is with a French press coffee maker first thing in the morning.

Is Guatemalan Coffee Good?

Not only is Guatemalan coffee good, but it is considered highly influential across the world. Farmed in what can be considered the best climate and growing conditions, these coffee beans are nothing short of amazing.

When you have some of the best Guatemalan coffee beans you can expect to have strong bold coffee, that can be considered full-bodied. The flavor profile ranges from scents of chocolate and nuts, from rich & complex to organic and low acid.
is guatemalan coffee good

Why is Guatemala Good for Growing Coffee?

The main reason Guatemala is considered a good coffee-growing region stems down to its subtropical climate, which allows the coffee to thrive.

A combination of densely packed high nutrient volcanic soil is a direct result of why these coffee beans come from a good growing region.

There are several regions that produce Guatemalan coffee, but the most notable is Antigua! The coffee from this region is considered the best because it contains a thriving atmosphere that boasts the best conditions for our beans to grow.

Best Ways to Brew Guatemalan Coffee

If you’ve been drinking plain old black coffee then you need to stop! Regular black coffee is, well, regular! It’s plain old boring and there is barely any flavor profile within this coffee. This is what brought you to our article.

Now, if you do buy Guatemalan Coffee beans, and you want to experience the true flavor profile of the coffee then you need to be brewing your Guatemalan coffee through any method recommended below.

French Press

In order to experience the full flavor of any Guatemalan coffee brand, you need to brew your coffee using a french press

Steeping your coffee for a few minutes using this method allows for even extraction of the full flavor of the coffee, that’s why we think this is the best method to have Guatemala coffee.

Be sure to grind your coffee beans freshly to experience the full flavor on the day.

Pour Over Coffee

If you’re a ritualistic coffee aficionado and the more traditional method, such as pour-over coffee, then rest assured because you too can enjoy Guatemala coffee from the comfort of your home.

Similarly to the french press, you can expect to enjoy a full-bodied cup (sometimes bold, depending on the beans), packed with flavor using the pour-over coffee technique.

Pour-over coffee will never be the same trying some of the best Guatemalan coffee beans.

Drip Coffee

A popular American coffee maker has to be the drip coffee maker, which drips water with a shower head over coffee grounds (called blooming), which is another way to enjoy Guatemala coffee.

Although another way to enjoy it, we found that flavors were not as notable when trying Guatemala coffee with our drip coffee maker.

It possibly could be due to the extraction method, our coffee was certainly bold but the flavor profile on some beans was weak.


If cold brew coffee is your go-to, then you need to try Guatemala coffee beans with this brewing method.

cold brew guatemala coffee

By steeping for nearly 13 hours, the full potential of the flavor locked within the beans are released. Having Guatemala cold brew coffee was seriously good, we recommend it.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, our review of the best Guatemalan coffee beans that you need to try! 

Whether it be in a cold-brew, drip coffee, french press, or pour-over, these unique beans from a highly renowned region is a must-have and should be on everyone’s “to try” list.

We recommended the top 5 Guatemalan coffee brands, seriously that is all you need because we didn’t want to bombard you with all the other “fluff” on the market.

So do write to us, and let us know how your cup of Guatemala coffee went down.

Until then, happy caffeinating.

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