Does Decaf Coffee Dehydrate You? 4 Interesting Facts
Does Decaf coffee dehydrate you?
Decaf coffee in itself is not going to dehydrate you, though it is encouraged not to be considered as your main source of hydration, like many consumable liquids besides water are.
That leads you to your next question though, right? After drinking decaf coffee, why does your mouth feel like it's dried?
However, You might have found yourself drinking some of the best decaf coffee before and had this question buzzing around your head.
You've heard countless people in your time telling you that coffee is a diuretic and must dehydrate you for that same reason, so is decaf any different?
The truth is, the debate of whether decaf coffee dehydrates you is one that is to this day argued by science.
The simplest explanation to this is that it comes more down to the tannins in the coffee than it does to the actual state of hydration or not. It's not a feeling that everyone gets after drinking decaf coffee, but if you've experienced it, do not fear.
It's not dangerous and it's not dehydrating, it's just the way that the tannins have reacted to you as you drink it.

What Are The Side Effects Of Decaffeinated Coffee?
Due to the lack of caffeine within the drink itself, you can write off quite a lot of the side effects that are associated with coffee and its caffeine content, like insomnia, restlessness and nausea.
Those don't apply to the drink when it is decaffeinated, for obvious reasons.
What about other side effects though? Is it possible that a hot cup of decaf can still have an adverse react on you? The most pressing issue, is the process in which the caffeine is removed from the coffee beans in production.
Naturally, coffee beans contain caffeine, so to remove them is done in unnatural ways, often using chemical solvents to get the desired results.
The chemicals themselves aren't necessarily considered harmful in small doses, though it's a good idea to know that they're required in the production, so you have a better idea of what you might be ingesting into your body.
Decaf coffee is considered to be a processed food item, which also draws the argument that it's not as good for you as the more natural, caffeinated form of itself.
While coffee can make you feel more alert and focused, decaf has none of these effects, and instead leads to you ingesting chemicals that otherwise have no reason to be in your body.
So, does decaf coffee dehydrate you? The answer to this is definately no! It is safe and barely has any adverse effects compared to regular coffee.
Recommended article: Best Decaf Coffee for Espresso or Cold Brew
Is Drinking Decaf Coffee Bad For You?
There are some good benefits to decaf coffee, but can it be bad as well? So the question is raised then, after the last point, about whether or not it's even considered healthy or ‘good’ for you to drink. In short, it's got its positives as well as its negatives.
Naturally, you're not drinking caffeine, which, as we've already explained, limits you from some of the more beneficial side effects of a natural cup of coffee.
However, it also means that you're avoiding some of the erratic side effects that could come with its consumption. You can weigh that up however you choose to decide whether it's better for you to drink decaf or not.
On top of this though, we have to look at the issue raised with it being a chemically processed food item. Most consumers probably don't think too much about how their coffee ended up being decaffeinated, but it's definitely not to be ignored.
The solvents used have been linked to a few varying health issues, though the proof of which is uncertain.
The solvent (most notable of which is known as methylene chloride), is far from mild. It is believed to irritate the nose and throat upon inhalation.
As well as this, it can have an adverse reaction to your central nervous system, causing it to slow after you have had your drink.
What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Decaf Coffee?
It's not all doom and gloom though when it comes to decaf coffee. There are benefits to look into as well that would otherwise have gone amiss.
The first and most obvious of which is that you simply don't have to deal with the erratic side effects of caffeine when you drink it.
Not everyone is looking to drink coffee for a buzz or a wake-up call, and some people react so negatively to the caffeine that they'd rather avoid it altogether.
One of the most apparent side effects of caffeine comes in the form of headaches, which can easily be avoided if you opt for the decaf alternative.
Don't forget as well, that caffeine is considered to be a drug. A mild drug, sure, but a drug nonetheless. Being a drug means there is an element of addiction brewing if you're not careful.
Decaf coffee completely eradicates this as a fear, and allows the drinker to enjoy the refreshing taste of coffee, without the overwhelming idea that one of the more erratic side effects from an addiction might rear its ugly head. In summary there are several benefits to drinking decaf coffee and here are some below;
Benefits of Decaf Coffee
According to healthline, decaf coffee is linked to many numerous health benefits because of their antioxidant content and below is a summary of more benefits that will assist you when drinking decaf coffee over regular caffeinated coffee;
- Lowers Type 2 diabetes and may reduce it up to 7%! The same can be said about regular coffee, but without the caffeine that may give you the coffee jitters.
- It has positive effects that can reduce your mental state declining as you get older.
- There is a reduced risk of rectal cancer and also relieves heartburn (reflux), which can be a major benefit if you're suffering from this after each regular cup of coffee.
- Due to no caffeine, it is ok for pregnant women to drink decaf coffee since it does not dehydrate you and also does not contain 99% caffeine.

Final Thoughts - Does Decaf Coffee Dehydrate you?
After taking a look at the benefits of decaf coffee, as well as some of the more pressing issues that accompany it, it is clear that the effects of the drink need to be weighed up and the individual drinker need to be the ones to make their own decisions.
Caffeine is obviously not for everybody. Some people don't like to feel the headaches or the anxiousness arise in them, which are both common side effects of the drug.
Sure, there are positive to the caffeine too, like awareness and focus, but to some, the cons are simply too much against the pros.
However, if you're going to opt to drink a decaf variant of coffee so as to avoid these issues, you must also remember that decaf coffee isn't without its fair share of problems.
As mentioned, the most notable issue is that of the chemicals used to decaffeinate a coffee bean in the first place.
Though in small quantities relative to how much is being drank, it is always a good idea to remember that decaf coffee is processed, and may not be as healthy as you first think.
To answer the question presented in the first place though, it is much more simple than anything else we explored. The answer is no. Decaf coffee does not dehydrate you, not in the slightest bit.